Lord of the Shades

Take part in a Color Strike, become the Lord of the Shades. Repaint all the area to the color you like the best. Game content is built on your own fantasy - a part you wish to play, mission you like and finally the whole plot of the game! Create a World of vivid colors!The goal of the game is to gain as many cells on the field as you can. Gain cells of particular color by repainting your color zone to the color of cells that join to it. Please note that you can't repaint your color zone to the color of your opponent. You can choose colors by clicking on the colored buttons below or by clicking cell of particular color on the field. You can choose players and to play against the computer or against the human. Opponents play by turn in all these games.This game includes 4 games that will bring you a lot of pleasure and hours of entertainment.Fighter - Game field is filled with 6 different colors of cells. Strain your logic and find way to win as many cells as you can.Spotter - There are 6 different colors of cells on the field too, but there also are spots with empty cells that you can't occupy. You should pass round these areas and win as many cells as you can.Islands - This game is really like the previous one, but the islands with empty cells increase from time to time. You should take it into account when you choose next move.Blinker - This game has 6 colors of cells. Also it has colored areas that grow with every move and you can win them. Try to reach these areas faster than your opponent and gain them. Good Luck!