Game Review

Hallowed Legends: Samhain
The fans of the highly polished creepy games will appreciate the work invested into Hallowed Legends: Samhain. This hidden object/adventure kind of game makes a perfect blend of the two parts of the quest.You are introduced a little bit to the story in the very beginning, but you still get more of it as you proceed in the game. You set to help your friend who got into trouble dealing with some mysterious cases.You are to find out where did the people at the celtic festival disappear. You will soon realize that you are going to deal with some demonic powers here. The game creates a perfect atmosphere of place where you wouldn't want to be.

Margrave: The Curse of the Severed Heart
If you played The Secret of Margrave Manor and Margrave Manor 2: Lost Ship, you will be more than pleased to play Margrave: The Curse of the Severed Heart - amazing sequel! Frankly speaking I didn't like previous games very much, but this one touched me a lot! The beginning of the game seems to be pretty standard: Edwina Margrave is talking on the phone to her boyfriend, while driving to the cottage, where her parents died, to find out the cause of her parents' mysterious death.

Dark Parables: The Exiled Prince
If you are like me, and you notice all smallest details of the games you play, you are going to like this game. Dark Parables: The Exiled Prince is one of the latest releases of the hidden object/adventure games. The game features a great story, absolutely wonderful graphics, and challenging tasks for you to accomplish.So the story that unrolls before you seems to be familiar at the beginning. You join a chancellor's daughter and her bodyguard as they walk in the forest.

Maestro: Music of Death
There are different genres in the casual games world. But there are also different kinds of games within one genre according to what any game has to offer. Some games are just to fill in the blank while waiting for something worthy, while others are the ones you are waiting for to enjoy it from start to end. Maestro: Music of Death belongs to the kind of games you will play with lots of pleasure. The story of the game is really intriguing. A terrible disease, that causes people's aging rapidly and death, break out in the city!

Farm Frenzy: Ancient Rome
Yes, yes, yes! That is exactly what you think that is. Another Farm Frenzy is released. Not too much has changed in this yet another sequel, but the fans must have got used to that. But, as you can see, there is at least a new setting in Farm Frenzy: Ancient Rome. Farming theme just can't leave the game under any circumstances. So, with that in mind, here is how you go into Rome. If you played the previous game, you know it was about fishing.

Behind the Reflection
Behind the Reflection is a standard hidden object game, that was made by Alawar Entertainment. The story starts pretty intriguingly. One day a mother and her son enjoy walking the streets. Being tired they decide to stop for a while and have a break. Mom talks on her cell phone and a boy wanders away to look around. After approaching to the mirror he suddenly gets absorbed by it. The mother is in despair, but she starts her travel, full of danger, adventure and mystery, in order to find and rescue her son.

Death at Fairing Point: A Dana Knightstone Novel
Polished games are especially good at the end of the holiday season, when you go through this period of going back to normal. Don't you just need something cozy and comfortable just before all of it is over?Death at Fairing Point: A Dana Knightstone Novel serves this purpose very well if you are a fan of the adventure genre. If not, go and find something from your genre.

Mystery of Mortlake Mansion
Mystery of Mortlake Mansion is one of the best titles in casual games lately. This game is presented to us this Christmas season by Stella Games and Playrix. The game has a little bit of everything you would expect from the genre of hidden object/adventure games.

Phantasmat Collector's Edition
The name of the newly released game by Codeminion might scare away the players who are already sick and tired of the cursed houses and dilapidated buildings. Phantasmat starts with a car crash and as soon as you get to know that your heroine has stayed alive, you're advised to look for the help in an old hotel but under no circumstances stay there. By the way hardly anyone would stay in the the hotel called "Drowned Dead Hotel" in a real life. But has anyone ever followed such advices while playing? I bet that only those of you did so, who shut down the casual games after having played them for several minutes.

Tamara the 13th
The game consists of 7 chapters, so it will take you about 2 hours to wander all the locations. The next place to visit is the Air realm. Get prepared for a surprising twist in the story: the Cat that you've been already used to suddenly transforms into a man! Through the dialogue you'll get to know that he's been a McNamara familiar for 100 years, though the guy looks as if he is 30. But everything in the story is about magic and mystics, so it's not the time to be surprised by the appearance of the people.